Every Child’s Champion Membership Website for Reducing Challenging Behavior
A One Stop Behavior-Intervention Shop for Early Childhood Professionals and Parents
Are Challenging Behaviors making you crazy?
Are a few challenging children making your job miserable?
Do you question your career choice most days?
Do you feel like you're your wits end?
Are you taking more than average mental health days?
Ready to throw in the towel?

There is hope! You can get a handle on these challenging behaviors.
For children who can't seem to learn and follow the regular classroom routines and our basic rules and expectations for behavior, Every Child's Champion can help.Â
🗸 How to Defuse and Settle Tantrums
🗸 Help with Routines and Transitions
🗸 How to Establish and Follow Through with Clear Rules and Expectations
🗸 Teaching Children New Social Skills
đź—¸ Dealing with Kids Who've Experienced Trauma
đź—¸ Working with Uncooperative Parents
đź—¸ Get access to Personalized Coaching and GuidanceÂ
You don't have to continue working in a warzone every day. With an Every Child's Champion Membership, I promise -- we can help you make immediate changes. You can see drastic improvement in a short space of time.Â
Yes, it really is possible!
Start your membership today, and start getting your sanity back.
More About MeHere's what you get as a Regular Member...
The Every Child's Champion Teacher Blot
Monthly Downloads (Expert guidance, articles, videos, and more)
2 New Downloadable Classroom Behavior Support Tools Each Month
Teachables (Printable teaching resources for Social-Emotional Lessons, aligned with Creative Curriculum Studies, and highlighting CLASS and ECERS strategies)
The ECC Teacher Community, where you can connect with other members
ECC Exclusive Teacher Community (Including Live PD Webinars as part of Exclusive, Premium, and Premium Plus)Â
Child Behavior Support Tools (For Classes / and for Individual Children - as part of the Exclusive Plan)
Ongoing Access to a Coach Specialist (Asynchronous Dialog and Feedback from a Qualified Behavior Coach - as a part of the Premium Plan and Premium Plus Plans)
Custom-Made Child Behavior Tools (Tailored to your class for individual children, 3/month - as part of Premium and Premium Plus Plans)Â
Live Practice-Based Coaching - 2x per month (30 minute practice-based coaching sessions with an ECC coach - as part of Premium PLUS Plan)
Access to Every Child's Champion Behavior Intervention Courses (as Part of the Premium and Premium Plus Plans)Â

Item 1
An Ever-Expanding Library of Resources
The Every Child’s Champion Library of Resources is constantly expanding. With a Regular ($10 / month) Membership, you get continual access to an ever-expanding collection of downloadable resources that you can put to work right away in your classroom! Examples:
- Classroom Visuals for Rules and Expectations
- Social Stories about Important Behavior Topics
- Step-by-Step Guidance for Routines Within Routines Within Routines
- Articles for Parents
- Take-Home Tools for Parents
- Behavior Guidance Strategies that also Respond to CLASS Dimensions and ECERS-3 Items and Indicators
Don’t miss out on this Highly Relevant Collection of Resources for Use by Both Teachers AND Parents!

Item 2
Monthly Downloads (Expert Guidance, Articles, Videos, and More)!
Continue Building Your Knowledge Base About Topics Like:Â
đź—¸ What is the Pyramid Model, and Why Do We Need it? (Webinar)
Behavior Guidance 10 Key Strategies (Webinar)
đź—¸ Video: Recognizing the Signs of Trauma, and What to Do
đź—¸ Article and Activities: What is Emotional Regulation, and How Can I Teach These Skills?
Article and Key Resources: How To Deal with Parents Who are Part of the Problem
* Recommendations from a Play Therapist: Working with Children Who’ve Experienced Abuse, Neglect, or Significant Loss
 Keep abreast of the latest research and information on Trauma, Challenging Behaviors, and Strategies that Work!

Item 3
"Teachables" Activities & Lessons
Teachables (Printable Curricular Materials that Blend the Pyramid Model Framework for Building Social and Emotional Competence with the Creative Curriculum and TSG Content)
For Example:Â
đź—¸ "Find the Feelings - a Seek-and-Find Problem-Solving Game" for Small Group Time
đź—¸ "Let's Learn About Preschool!" Large Group Lesson for Teaching Routines, Rules & Expectations in the First Six Weeks of School
🗸 “Trees Have Feelings Too!” Small-Group Activity that Teaches about Emotions and How Trees are Living Things That Must Be Cared For, Just Like People
đź—¸ Sensory Activities to Promote Emotional Regulation
đź—¸ Music & Movement to Address Social-Emotional DevelopmentÂ

Item 4
The ECC Community of Practice: Correspond with hundreds of other Teachers, Coaches, and Parents who are Dealing with the Same Struggles in and out of the Classroom You Are
Share with others across the country and beyond, on our Asynchronous Community of Practice Discussion Feeds on a Wide Variety of Topics. Participate in Live, Monthly Peer Learning Community that Gives you the Opportunity to Share Challenges, Brainstorm with Others, and Find Solutions to Your Most Pressing Behavior Challenges:
đź—¸ Share Your Practice and See Videos of Others’ Teaching Practices that are WorkingÂ
đź—¸ Discuss Your Challenges with Others
đź—¸ Quarterly, Live Webinars you can Participate in!
Access to our Library of Previously Recorded Peer Learning Community Session
Share your Contact Information and Make New Friends and Colleagues! Only through an Every Child’s Champion Membership do you get this regular, live access to so many other professionals you would never ordinarily be able to hear from!
What makes us special?
Between the Experts, the Integrated and Comprehensive content, the Passion, and the Relatable Language of our tools and resources, we've got you covered!Â
Every Child's Champion Membership Website was created for teachers, coaches and administrators who are passionate about meeting children's social and emotional needs, while maintaining a productive and managed classroom for learning.Â

The Experts!
Our Founder and Primary Author Sara Beach, M.Ed. has over 30 years experience working in child care, Head Start and Early Head Start, and State PreK programs. Our contributing authors have a wide range of backgrounds, all in Early Childhood Development / Education in some form or fashion! Our educational backgrounds include Early Childhood Master's Degrees, Doctorates, or somewhere in between.Â

 The Passion!
The passion we have for early childhood mental health, social and emotional development, brain development, trauma-based practices, diversity equity and inclusion, classroom management and the prevention of challenging behaviors is UNMATCHED!Â

Comprehensive and Integrated Content
With a range of experience and expertise spanning family child care, child care centers, Head Start and Early Head Start, after-school programming, state Pre-K programs, Early Intervention, Early Childhood Special Education, Home Visiting, and Infant / Early Childhood Mental Health, and University research labs, we look at the comprehensive "big picture," and bring you guidance, information and resources that matter to YOU.Â

 We Speak Your Language
The informal, fun, yet educational, informative, and professional Podcast is mirrored in our content here in the Membership Site. We aim to inform, inspire, encourage, educate, support, and entertain!
What people are saying...
Take a look at what a few of our members are saying about us!Â

Megan Wolf, LCMSW
Trauma Therapist for children in foster care and adoptive homes...
Name: Megan Wolf

State Pre-K Teacher, SPED and DLL Certified
Name: ChristieÂ

Child Care Teacher
Name: Cherise

Hi, I'm Sara!
My name is Sara Beach, and I’m the author and creator of Every Child’s Champion Podcast and Every Child’s Champion Membership Site. An independent ECE Consultant and Infant / Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant, my primary focus these days is on Behavior and Mental Health. Twice a month I host the “Every Child’s Champion” podcast, providing child development and early education information, inspiration, and encouragement for ECE teachers. My goal is to inspire you, to inform you, to encourage you, and to even make you laugh a little! In addition to training on the Pyramid Model and the CLASS, I currently focus much of my time on Illinois’ statewide implementation of the Pyramid Model. For this work, I am a member of the Illinois Pyramid Model Master Cadre of trainers and I work as an implementation coach for various Illinois school districts.
Since I have specialized in mental health and behavior ever since 2017, I created the Every Child’s Champion Membership Website in early 2024, to bring the messages, resources, and support directly into your classroom. Welcome home!
It's a mindset. A better-managed class is right around the corner!
Adopt the positive, strengths-based, inclusive, preventive mindset of Every Child's Champion!Â

12 Core Lessons
Prevent 90% or More of all Challenging Behaviors when you implement these KEY Practices. One Lesson per Month with topics such as "Taming the Tantrum Monster" to Setting and Teaching Clear Rules and Expectations, Establishing Consistent Routines and Transitions, Explicit Teaching of Social Skills, Emotional Regulation Basics, the Aftermath of Trauma, to Working with Difficult Parents......Culled from a variety of sources including the Pyramid Model, the Infant, Toddler or Pre-K CLASS, the ECERS-3 and the Creative Curriculum, we choose from a variety of research-based models -- we integrate it for you and show you how it all fits. It's all here!

Live and Recorded Webinars on Special Topics
Every quarter we will hold Live Special Topic Webinars for our Exclusive, Premium, and Premium Plus Members.

Personalized Coaching and Guidance Just for You!
Get your key questions answered. Find out exactly what tools you need for special circumstances (Premium or Premium Plus plans) Work on an individual behavior support plan with a mental health consultant or behavior specialist. Reflect, Discuss, and Set your personal practice goals; work toward them with the help of an individual, practice-based behavior coach! (Premium Plus Plan)
Exclusive Membership means unlimited access
See more than one Resource, Webinar, Classroom Tool, or SE Activity you’d like to try? Sign up for an Exclusive, Premium or Premium Plus membership, and enjoy unlimited access. Any resource, any time, you’ll get access to them all! Â
$65/m or $599/year
Everything you get with an Exclusive Plan, plus Asynchronous (Chat-based) Coaching!
Join NowPremiumPLUS
Everything you get with a Premium Membership, plus Live and Personalized Coaching 2x per month!
Join NowAll The Tools You Need To Prevent and Erase Challenging BehaviorsÂ
You really can PREVENT over 90% of that troublesome classroom behavior, with the right tools. With the help of the Every Child's Champion Membership Website, over a few months, you can implement the most powerful behavior guidance and behavior management tools, and put challenging behaviors to rest.
Who is this membership for?
There is a Membership Level for Everyone! Anyone who wants to be a Champion for Children and needs some help with classroom management, the prevention of challenging behaviors, and supporting children's social and emotional development and mental health!
How do I access the membership?
Simply click the "Join Now" button and sign up for the Membership Level that suits you the best. If you have a coupon code, enter that at the payment step. Memberships can be paid by the month (you can discontinue at any time) or by the year (best value). Create your own login and password, and then simply sign in to the Membership any time you want to see what's new or connect with your Community of Children's Champions around the country!
More About Me
My name is Sara Beach, and I’m the author and creator of Every Child’s Champion Podcast and Every Child’s Champion Membership Site. An independent ECE Consultant and Infant / Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant, my primary focus these days is on Behavior and Mental Health. Twice a month I host the “Every Child’s Champion” podcast, providing child development and early education information, inspiration, and encouragement for ECE teachers. My goal is to inspire you, to inform you, to encourage you, and to even make you laugh a little! In addition to training on the Pyramid Model and the CLASS, I currently focus much of my time on Illinois’ statewide implementation of the Pyramid Model. For this work, I am a member of the Illinois Pyramid Model Master Cadre of trainers and I work as an implementation coach for various school districts.
Here's a longer bio, if you’re interested!
Career History: In 1986 I obtained a Master’s in Early Childhood Education from the prestigious Erikson Institute of Chicago. In my early career, I started, developed, and directed a large successful non-profit child care and early education program (for 13 years). With a desire to do more direct application of research to practice, I moved into the Head Start arena to do training and teacher coaching for the Ounce of Prevention’s original Educare programs, located on the south side of Chicago. In the era of Early Reading First, I continued coaching and training for other Chicago programs and led an assessment team in collecting child outcome data for a large ERF program (5 years).
For 25 years, I taught a wide range of Early Childhood Education courses in both community college and university settings (Northern Illinois University, Aurora University, Waubonsee Community College, and Joliet Junior College), and did extensive training of teachers and directors for the Illinois Trainers Network (QRIS) for many years as well.
In 2007, I was hired as a teacher coach and course facilitator by the National Center for Research in Early Childhood Education at the University of Virginia. Led by Drs. Robert Pianta and Bridget Hamre, authors of the CLASSroom Assessment Scoring System, this groundbreaking research study tested and validated the My Teaching Partner (MTP) coaching model. The success of the research ushered in a new era of teacher coaching, and My Teaching Partner later served as a model for Practice-Based Coaching. In this work, I was trained extensively on the CLASSroom Assessment Scoring System and its use with teachers and instructional coaches. I coached teachers in Chicago, Memphis, and Rhode Island, and taught a college level course entitled “Teaching Language and Literacy Through Effective Teacher Child Interactions”. Mentored by Dr. Sarah Hadden, I began doing CLASS Observation Trainings as the CLASS was beginning to gain public interest (2009).
In 2010 after the completion of the My Teaching Partner study, I moved over to the newly formed company Teachstone (founded Drs. Pianta and Hamre) to work on scaling the My Teaching Partner model for a national audience. I wrote training manuals and early MTP materials and served as Lead MTP Specialist (overseeing newly hired MTP Specialists to work with coaches out in the field).
In 2009, the Office of Head Start (OHS) partnered with the University of Virginia and Teachstone to pilot and eventually adopt the CLASSroom Assessment Scoring System nationwide. I was privileged to be a Trainer of Trainers for OHS’s extensive team of Training and Technical Assistance providers from across the country, Puerto Rico and Hawaii. This began my 5 year-long stint as a Teachstone CLASS Master Trainer, and during this period I traveled extensively throughout the United States and in China to provide a multitude of different trainings at the Pre-K, K-3, Infant and Toddler levels. I was a Master Coder for Teachstone, and did Dual Coding with evaluators for the Office of Head Start (Danya) and the State of Georgia’s QRIS system.
I received a doctoral fellowship at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro and in 2011 went to work as a research assistant for Dr. Karen LaParo (the 3rd author of the CLASS). Throughout this time I also continued working as an MTP Specialist for Teachstone. Dr. LaParo’s research centered on professional development and teacmy coaching, and during my time at UNCG, I did in-depth literature reviews of these topics. Although I did not complete my doctoral degree at this time due to illness, this mid-life experience in academia solidified my commitment to the application of cutting-edge research to direct practice in schools, and in 2012 I returned to Illinois and recommitted myself to full-time training work with Teachstone.
By 2014, I accepted a position with the Ounce of Prevention (Chicago) as the Assistant Director for Lead Learn Excel, Illinois’ Race-To-Top funded leadership training initiative. This program grew out of the body of rich school improvement research generated by the field of implementation science. This position afforded me the opportunity to immerse myself into the world of public school state pre-K programs, which I did for the next 2 years. Working with principals, superintendents, and instructional coaches, I played a lead role with a team of program implementation specialists. I brought my rich background with the CLASS to this position, and Illinois’ top performing programs across the state were trained in inclusive, collaborative leadership and the implementation of CLASS-based job-embedded profession development in schools and centers. I’s role in the administration of Lead Learn Excel afforded my the opportunity to contribute extensively to the development of a rich body of training materials, and to curate the LLE library of resources, available through the Start Early (formerly Ounce of Prevention) organization.
Beginning in 2017, I started my consulting company, Synapse Early Learning Systems. The word “Synapse” was used because I am a champion of CONNECTIONS. Synapses are the point where two brain cells connect with one another. I’m a lover of all brain research, especially the research that focuses on child development and mental health! In 2018 the Every Child’s Champion Podcast was born.
Since I have specialized in mental health and behavior ever since 2017, I created the Every Child’s Champion Membership Website in early 2024, to bring the messages, resources, and support directly into your classroom. Welcome home!
Brain Development from Birth to Five
Here are a few brain facts that are helpful to know foundationally.
Every emotion, sensory feeling, literally every experience is processed by a brain. The development and the condition of the child’s brain will directly impact what they can do, their behaviors.
Children are born with billions of neurons – estimated at 100 billion. During the prenatal months, neurons are gathering into clusters to become the different parts of the brain. Still after birth,, there are tons more connections that need to be made. Think about the language center of the brain. Kids have to hear words over and over and over again before they ever actually learn and use a word. The synapses are happening every time they hear the word. Ages 2-3 is thought to be the fastest period of growth, and age 15 is when the most number of neurons seem to be present.
You can see it looks like there are actually fewer neurons in the adult than in the 2 year old child. That’s because of pruning – that “use it or lose it” principle. But brain structural development continues well into the twenties and is not thought to be complete until age 25 – that prefrontal cortex, which is believed to be responsible ultimately for the development of executive functions - skills like paying attention, controlling one's impulses, and regulating emotions.
Synapses that fire together, wire together. If you pair the image of a ball with the word “ball” enough times, the synapses for vision and hearing, and thinking all are firing together over and over. So over time and with enough experience, enough connections are made that neuropathways are laid down.
New connections are continually created while synapses that are no longer in use degenerate. ... Researchers only recently found out that even in the adult brain, not only do existing synapses adapt to new circumstances, but new connections are constantly formed and reorganized.
In general:
- The brain develops sequentially, from the more primitive parts that support basic bodily functions, including the "fight or flight response", to those that enable higher level functioning, such as thinking and emotions.
- Connections in the brain are influenced by experiences and stimulation.
- There are sensitive periods of development where the brain is most open to the influence of external experiences
- The neural circuits for dealing with stress are particularly malleable (or "plastic") during the early childhood period
- Healthy emotional development is shaped by caring and predictable responses from adults